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  1. 截止日前繳交申請件(紙本)至院辦公室
  2. 本院召集教師組成甄選委員會進行書面審查
  3. 本院公告甄選結果,並通知獲選申請人
  4. 本院向締約學校提名薦送學生
  5. 締約學校接受提名,本院或締約學校通知薦送同學準備申請資料






  1. 國務院交換計畫申請表一份
  2. 在學證明一份
  3. 歷年英文成績單正本一份
  4. 外語檢定證明影本一份
  5. 個人自傳一份
  6. 讀書計畫一份


College-Level Exchange Program Selection Process

  1. Submit the application documents (hard copy) to the college office before the deadline.
  2. The college convenes a selection committee composed of faculty members to conduct a document review.
  3. The college announces the selection results and notifies the selected applicants.
  4. The college nominates and recommends students to the partner school.
  5. Upon acceptance of the nomination by the partner school, the college informs the nominated students to prepare their application materials.

⭐ The college’s nomination does not guarantee admission to the partner school. The final admission decision depends on the partner school's review. If an applicant fails to meet the eligibility requirements stated in the agreement, the college reserves the right to revoke the nomination.

⭐ Applicants must carefully review the relevant regulations of both institutions to ensure their rights.


Required Documents

  • College-Level Exchange Program Application Form
  • NCCU Enrollment Certificate
  • English Transcript (covering all academic years)
  • Language Proficiency Certificate
  • Biography
  • Study Plan
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