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How significant is the impact of social media on the Indonesian election? Or, was it?


講者 SpeakerMr. Made Supriatma

2024.03.01 (FRI) 12:30—14:00

政治大學大勇樓417教室 / R417, Da Yong Building, National Chengchi University.


國立政治大學傳播學院研究暨發展中心 主辦

Organized by Media Research and Development Center, College of Communication, NCCU.



印尼,全球第三大民主國家,於214日完成近兩億選民參與的總統大選投票。這場被稱為「全球史上最大規模單日投票」的選舉,結果仍待選委會正式公布。根據現階段的計票,現任國防部長Prabowo Subianto及其副手、現任總統Jokowi的長子Gibran Rakabuming58%的得票率遙遙領先另兩組對手。


社群媒體,特別是Tik Tok,可說是此次競選的關鍵力器,尤其對佔比52%的青年選民來說,社媒的顯著影響不可忽視。政大傳播學院即時回應此重要議題,邀請到印尼政治研究與評論者Mr. Made Supriatma親臨分享其觀察及研究:究竟是社媒主宰,或有更深層的政治因素,例如國家機器與資源佔用,導致壓倒性的勝選結果?


The results of Indonesian presidential election appear to strongly favor Prabowo Subianto, who secured an impressive 58% of the votes in the February 14th election, marking a landslide victory in a three-way competition. His opponents, former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and former Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, garnered only 25% and 17% of the votes, respectively. Beyond the influential "Jokowi factor," which played a pivotal role in swaying the election in Prabowo's direction, the impact of social media, particularly Tik Tok, is noteworthy. Social media has wielded significant influence over the 52% of young Indonesian voters. This presentation aims to explore the role of social media in the recent Indonesian election, posing the crucial question of whether social media dictates election outcomes or if more substantial political factors, such as resource utilization and state apparatus influence, play a more decisive role.



Made Supriatma is a Visiting Research Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. He joined the Indonesia Study Program and conducted research on elections, decentralization, West Papua, and military politics. He is also an Early Warning Fellow with the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, an institution under the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C. He is currently the lead author of the Simon-Skjodt Center report on risks of mass atrocities in West Papua.



This talk will be conducted in English.


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