111學年度國際事務學院研究室選位名單 2022/23 CIA Research Room Selection List (9/12-9/16 開放選位) (Seat Selection on Sep 12-16) |
流水號 | 姓名 Name | 學號 Student No. |
1 | 翁O博 | 111263005 |
2 | 林O傑 | 107260010 |
3 | 廖O德 | 111260001 |
4 | 林O育 | 109253013 |
5 | 吳O碩 | 109253008 |
6 | 金O烋 | 107260506 |
7 | 陳O | 111263009 |
8 | 劉O豪 | 110260006 |
9 | 陳O第 | 110260003 |
10 | 錢O安 | 110260005 |
11 | 黃O豪 | 110260008 |
12 | 邱O文 | 110260023 |
13 | 梁O偉 | 109260018 |
14 | 林O勳 | 109260016 |
15 | 劉O陽 | 109260015 |
16 | 蕭O傑 | 109260010 |
17 | 陳O睿 | 109260012 |
18 | 郭O源 | 108260015 |
19 | 簡O宇 | 109260007 |
20 | 魏O倫 | 109260004 |
21 | 翁O博 | 111263005 |
22 | 廖O晴 | 110861003 |
23 | 楊O澤 | 109253017 |
24 | 郭O毅 | 111862009 |
25 | 高O敏 | 108260507 |
26 | 王O軒 | 108253002 |
27 | 管O翔 | 110253501 |
28 | 楊O婷 | 109253001 |
29 | 王O惟 | 110861005 |
30 | 陳O勳 | 107260505 |
31 | 黃O如 | 105260504 |
32 | 曾O揚 | 109260006 |
33 | 劉O恆 | 110253002 |
34 | 陳O縈 | 107260501 |
35 | 董O松 | 110253503 |
36 | 林O仁 | 108260014 |
37 | 楊O倫 | 110260001 |
38 | 張O汝 | 107260015 |
39 | 白O尹 | 111260505 |
40 | 胡O峰 | 109260021 |
41 | 金O俊 | 111260504 |
42 | 劉O明 | 107260502 |
43 | 彭O涵 | 109862001 |
44 | 周O竹 | 107253501 |
45 | 陳O如 | 107260019 |
46 | 胡O安 | 110861001 |
47 | 邱O瑞 | 111260014 |
48 | 陳O云 | 110861010 |
1. 請攜帶學生證選位,並繳交租用申請表、在學證明與200元清潔費。
3. 在學證明可以紙本或手機出示;尚未繳交學費之同學,請於9/20補件否則位子取消。
4. 租借鑰匙需再付100元押金,歸還時會退還押金。
For Students in the list of seat selection, please come to the Office of College of International Affairs (11F) to select your seat at research rooms between 9/12 12:00 PM to 9/16 5:00PM.
Notice for Seat Selection and Form Submission:
1. Please bring your student ID with you on the selection day, and submit your application form (see attached), certificate of enrollment, and NTD200 cleaning fee.
2. Your application form must be stamped by your department/institute/program manager first, to verify whether you have passed the proposal defense.
3. A print-out certificate of enrollment or its display on your mobile screen can be acceptable. For those who haven’t paid tuition yet, please submit it before 9/20 17:00; otherwise your seat will be canceled.
4. Renting a drawer key requires NT100 extra for deposit, which will be reimbursed while returning the key.