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Fall 2022 & Spring 2023 Application for Seats in CIA Research Rooms


國際事務學院研究室申請辦法Application Regulations

一、分配優先辦法 Priority Policy

  1. 博士生優先使用研究室,並以通過資格考之申請人為優先。若有剩餘座位,再開放予其餘博士生。
    Doctoral students who already pass qualification test would have the 1st priority for the first run, the rest of doctoral students would have the 2nd priority.
  2. 博士生選位後,關於碩士生,則以通過論文大綱者為優先,再以年級高低依序分配。(如通過論文大綱的碩二生優先於未通過大綱之碩三生)。
    Master students who pass proposal defense have 3rd priority. For the rest of master students, the higher a student’s grade year is, the more possibility one would have.
  3. 未曾獲配者為優先,依序分配(如獲配一次優先於獲配兩次)。
    Students who had never obtained a seat in research rooms would have more chance to get one.
  4. 依此順序分配而空間仍有不足時,採抽籤方式決定。
    If there are more applicants than the available seats, OCIA would conduct a lottery for seat allocation.


二、申請分配程序 Application & Allocation Procedure

  1. 採用網路填表申請,擬申請研究室同學請於829() 95()線上填寫表單,表單將於9/5 () 17:00 關閉,請務必在期限前申請。
    The application would be submitted online this semester. Please fill this form from Aug 29 (Mon) to Sep 5 (Mon). Online application is due at 17:00 of Sep 5 (Mon), please submit the form before the deadline.
  2. 9/8 () 14:00 公布中選名單(按照分配優先辦法)於國際事務學院網站。
    9/8 (Thu) 14:00: Announcement for the list of the accepted students (according to priority policy) will be released on OCIA website.
  3. 9/12 () - 9/16 () 每日14:00-17:00 請名單上同學至11樓院辦公室選位及繳費。
    9/12 (Mon) - 9/16 (Fri) 14:00-17:00: Applicants on the accepted list should come to OCIA on 11F for seat selection and payment.
  4. 請至https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/sturegcert_SSO/列印當學期在學證明,連同借用申請表(附件)與全學年清潔費200元繳交至國際事務學院辦理租借手續,完成後便可開始搬遷。租借置物櫃鑰匙另需押金100元。
    Please prepare: (1) certificate of enrollment (could be printed from https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/sturegcert_SSO/), (2) application form (please find the attachment), and (3) cleaning fee NT$200, and submit them to OCIA for renting procedure, then you could start move-in. Deposit for drawer key would be NT$100 if you would like to apply for it.
  5. 9/22 ()  郵件通知密碼與搬入 
    9/22 (Thu): Being informed of the password by email, and moving-in.
  6. 未於9/30 ()12:00前內完成租借手續,位子將自動取消,並開始遞補。
    If the applicant does not complete the renting procedure by 12:00 (noon) of 9/30 (Fri), the seat would be released for applicants on the waiting list.


三、代理選位規定Regulations about Proxy


If you could not attend the first selection phase because of duties/internship/exchange program abroad, please email documents for proving the fact and the proxy’s name by Sep 12. The proof documents could be official invitations, certificate of internship or e-tickets. Your proxy needs to bring his/her student ID to attend the first selection phase on behalf of you. Any delayed email about proxy will not be admitted.


四、其他注意事項 Other Reminders

  1. 研究室內請全程配戴口罩。
    Please wear a mask when you are in the research rooms.
  2. 請勿更換位子或出借他人使用,日後若有財產損壞或遺失爭議,請自負全責。
    Please do not exchange or rent out the seats. If any conflict about personal belongings happened, the applicants should be fully responsible.
  3. 108學年度開始實施租用一學年。
    The renting period of seats in CIA research rooms is one academic year.
  4. 院研究室空間有限,出國交換同學或不需要使用的同學,請勿申請,把位子留給需要的人。本院將不定期審核研究室名單暨出入名單。
    Considering the limited number of seats in our research rooms, for those who would go abroad for exchange programs or would not use it, please do not apply for the seats and be kind to save the seats for those in need. OCIA would irregularly check the record of presence with the list of the accepted students.



If you had any question, please send the email to address below. Thank you.

林佾青小姐 cindy225@nccu.edu.tw


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