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【3/24 Update】113學年度國際事務學院研究生研究室申請

Spring 2025 Applications for Seats in CIA Research Rooms




[Third Round] Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 Seat Assignment Results and Selection Notice for CIA Graduate Research Rooms






  • 271009:04、12、14
  • 271011:03、04、11、12、14、15、18、19


I. Announcement of Successful Seat Applications

★Please refer to the attached file for the results (Application Results 250324).

★The result of the third application is 11 candidates; those marked with a blue background are on the waiting list. If any selected candidate forfeits their position, the next one will be admitted accordingly.



研究室正取選位:3/26(三) 10:00 - 3/28(五) 17:00 請至國安專班辦公室選位、繳費、鑰匙租借;專班同學可於3/27(四)晚上選位或個別來信約定。

1. 每日受理時間:10:00-12:00/13:30-17:00。

2. 持學生證、研究室申請表(系所核章)、清潔費100與在學證明(需先註冊)繳交至國安專班辦公室確認身分簽到。
3. 選位:請至海報架座位圖簽上學號、並至助教旁座位圖簽上學號、姓名。
4. 租借置物櫃鑰匙另需押金100元,下學年歸還時請檢附收據退還押金。
★部分置物櫃鑰匙已遺失,271012-4, 5, 28、271011-4, 6, 10, 18, 21、271009-17;以上位置恕不提供租借置物櫃鑰匙。


II. Seat Selection for Successful Applicants:

From 3/26 (Wed.) at 10:00 - to 3/28 (Fri.) at 17:00, please visit the NSMC office for seat selection, fee payment, and key rental. Students enrolled in the Executive Program may select seats on the evenings of March 27, or contact the office via email for individual arrangements.

1. Daily Service Hours: 10:00-12:00 / 13:30-17:00.

2. Bring your student ID, research room application form (stamped by the department), a cleaning fee of NT$100, and proof of enrollment (must be registered) to the National Security Executive Program office for identity verification and check-in.
3. Seat Selection: Sign your student ID number on the seat map displayed on the bulletin board, and then sign your student ID number and name on the seat map next to the assistant.
4. The locker key rental requires An additional NT$100 deposit. The deposit will be refunded when the locker key is returned at the end of the academic year with the receipt provided at the time of rental.
★Proof of enrollment for the current semester can be accessed via the NCCU student portal. You may either present it on your mobile device or print a hard copy. (Web Link)
★Some locker keys are missing for the following lockers: 271012-4, 5, 28; 271011-4, 6, 10, 18, 21; 271009-17. Keys for these lockers are not available for rental.





★申請時程: 線上填寫表單→公告遞補名單→於指定時間(3/26-3/28)內完成選位、繳費


1. 線上申請時間: 3/20(四)10:00~3/21(五)22:00

→線上表單: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6D5DbSxHSyyQ1yPSuQRpxYU7_XdZaQoWLL5Oh78vByIfkgg/viewform?usp=header

2. 遞補申請結果公告: 3/24(一) 17:00前於本院最新消息/一般消息公告

3. 研究室遞補選位:3/26(三)10:00~3/28(五)17:00 經通知之同學至院辦公室選位、繳費、鑰匙租借


[Third Round] Applications for Seats in CIA Research Rooms


★Allocation Procedure

Complete the online form → Notify students on the waiting list → Complete seat selection and payment from 3/26 to 3/28.


The schedule is summarized as follows:

1. Online Application Period: 3/20 (Thur.)10:00~3/21 (Fri.) 22:00

→Online form:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6D5DbSxHSyyQ1yPSuQRpxYU7_XdZaQoWLL5Oh78vByIfkgg/viewform?usp=header

2. The results of seat applications will be announced before 17:00 on 3/24 (Mon.).

3. Research Room Seat Substitute Selection: 3/26 (Wed.)~3/28 (Fri.)17:00. Notifications will be sent individually. Please come to the office for selection, payment, and key rental.



1. 博士生優先使用研究室,並以通過資格考之申請人為優先。若有剩餘座位,開放研究生選位。

2. 碩士生以通過論文大綱者為優先,再來以年級高低依序分配。(如通過論文大綱的碩二生優先於未通過大綱之碩三生)

3. 未曾獲配者為優先,依序分配。(如獲配一次優先於獲配兩次)

4. 依此順序分配而空間仍有不足時,採抽籤方式決定。


III. Priority Policy

1. Doctoral students are given priority in the use of the Research Room, with first priority going to those who have passed the Qualification Examination. If there are seats available, other graduate students will then be allowed to choose their seats.

2. Master’s students who have passed their thesis proposal will be prioritized, followed by assignment based on seniority. For example, a second-year master’s student who has passed the thesis proposal will have priority over a third-year master’s student who has not.

3. Students who have never been allocated a seat will be prioritized and assigned in order. For example, someone who has been assigned a seat only once will have priority over someone who has been assigned twice.

4. If there is a shortage of space, the allocation will be determined by drawing lots.



1. 院辦每日受理時間:9:00~12:00/13:30~17:00

2. 持研究室申請表(系所核章)清潔費200元在學證明(需先註冊)繳交至院辦公室完成租借手續。

3. 租借置物櫃鑰匙另需押金100元

4. 若前學年有租借座位者,辦理手續時請一併告知原始座位以完成退租。

★ 當學期在學證明可至NCCU首頁學生專區查詢,可手機出示或列印紙本。


★ 委託選位與代辦:



IV. Rental Procedures

1. Office hours for handling: 9:00~12:00 / 13:30~17:00.

2. Submit the Research Room application form (with department seal), cleaning fee (200 NTD), and proof of enrollment (must be registered first) to the office to complete the rental procedure.

3. A deposit of 100 NTD is required for the locker key.

4. If you rented a seat in the previous academic year, please inform the office of your original seat during the procedure to complete the cancellation.

★ Proof of enrollment for the current semester can be checked in the student section on the NCCU homepage. It can be shown on a mobile phone or printed out. (available at https://moltke.nccu.edu.tw/sturegcert_SSO/ )

★ Delegated Seat Selection and Handling:

If you cannot handle the process in person due to official duties, exchange programs, internships, etc., please provide supporting documents and the delegate's name via email before the announcement of the application results. Requests for delegation will not be accepted after the deadline. Supporting documents can include invitation letters, internship certificates, tickets, etc. The delegate should bring the student ID to the office for the first-phase seat selection.



1. 座位搬遷:前學年(112)使用者請於開學第二週結束前(9/19)搬遷完畢。

2. 畢業/休學退租:請告知院辦承辦人,若於第二學期開始前(每年2月1日)退租,可退清潔費100元。

3. 若有租用鑰匙,於退租時告知並歸還院辦承辦人,將退還押金100元。


V. Return of Government Research Room Seats and Key

1. Seat relocation: Users from the previous academic year (112) should complete the relocation by the end of the second week of the semester (9/19).

2. Graduation/Leave of Absence Cancellation: Notify the office staff. If you cancel before the start of the second semester (1st, February each year), the 100 NTD cleaning fee will be refunded.

3. If you have a rental key, notify and return it to the office staff upon cancellation to get the 100 NTD deposit refunded.



1. 請勿更換位子或出借他人使用,日後若有爭議請自負全責。

2. 108學年度開始實施租用一學年。

3. 院研究室空間有限,出國交換同學或不需要使用的同學,請勿申請,把位子留給需要的人。


VI. Other Important Notes

1. Do not change seats or lend them to others. Any future disputes will be your responsibility.

2. Starting from the 108th academic year, the rental will be for one academic year.

3. Due to limited space in the research rooms, students going abroad for exchange programs or those who do not need the space are requested not to apply, to leave the seats for those who need them.


附件 / Attachments:

1. 政大國際事務學院研究生研究室分配與管理辦法_Regulation

2. 研究生研究室借用申請表_Application form

3. 研究室選位圖_Seat plan(271009-271012)




Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions. Thank you.


國安專班吳文棋助教 51113@nccu.edu.tw

Office of NSMC, Mr. Wu

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