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法國在台協會與政大國際事務學院將在10/24晚上於政大公企中心舉辦「大師對談:地緣政治下的亞洲」論壇活動,邀請當代國際關係地緣政治大師,中央研究院院士吳玉山與法國國家科學研究中心(Centre national de la recherche scientifique)榮譽研究員Jean-Pierre Cabestan進行對談。歡迎歐洲研究同好一起共襄盛舉!

Geopolitics in Asia: A Masterclass by Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan and Prof. Wu Yu-Shan

The French Office in Taipei and the College of International Affairs at NCCU will host a forum titled 'Geopolitics in Asia: A Masterclass by Prof. Jean-Pierre Cabestan and Prof. Wu Yu-Shan' on the evening of October 24th at NCCU's Public and Business Center. The event will feature a conversation between two leading experts in contemporary international relations and geopolitics: Academician Yu-Shan Wu from Academia Sinica and Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Senior Researcher Emeritus at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). We warmly invite all researchers and students interested in international relations to join us for this extraordinary occasion!

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