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Application of NCCU CIA Internationsl Exchange Program with Korea University

Fall Semester 2024


  • 交換期間Program Period:(大學部 undergraduate only,因本院與對方學校僅簽約大學部)


From 2024 Fall Semester. (Maximum quota: 2.)

  • 甄選與後續申請流程Screening & Application Procedure
  1. 截止日前繳交申請文件至院辦公室Submit application documents to the CIA office by given deadlines.
  2. 本院召集教師組成甄選委員會進行書面審查CIA committee evaluate applicants’ documents.
  3. 本院通知薦送學生Email notification of results to qualified student.
  4. 本院向交換計畫學校提名薦送學生後,由本院或薦送同學自行連絡交換學校與提供申請資料After CIA nominate qualified students to exchange schools,following liaison and document provision will be proceed by the CIA office or nominated student.

**本院薦送並不代表已取得該校就學資格,能否錄取該校就學資格最終取決於對方之審核結果。若有不符合協議中所註明之申請條件,本院有權取消該薦送資格。Nomination by CIA does not guarantee admission to exchange schools. Admission is subject to partner schools’ evaluation. If anything violates application conditions given in agreements of exchange programs, CIA is entitled to withdraw nomination.

  • 甄選申請文件Application Documents

國務院交換計畫申請表一份One CIA Exchange Program Application Form

在學證明一份 One Certificate of Enrollment

歷年英文成績單正本一份 One Officail Academic Transcript in English

外語檢定證明影本一份 (韓語,英語) One Certificate of Language Proficiency (Korean, English)

個人自傳一份 One Autobiography

讀書計畫一份 One Study Plan

  • 甄選結果Notification of Results

將以電子郵件通知The notification of results will send by email.


請在4/26 前繳交資料到院辦公室。

Please submit all the documents to the CIA office before April 26, 2024.


若有任何問題,請聯繫國務院院辦公室承辦人。If you have any questions, please contact with the CIA office.

李助教Mr. Li  Ext: #51104 / Email: ocia@nccu.edu.tw

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