Hung Mei-Lan;Iryna Babets, 2023.09, 'Comparison of Foreign Trade Characteristics between Taiwan and Ukraine: Impact on Economic Growth and Threats to National Economic Security, ' Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Vol.27, No.1, pp.43-112.(SCOPUS)
S. E. Yachin;Mei-Lan Hung;I. V. Kupriyashkin, 2020.01, 'Перспективы гегемонии в Восточной Азии в свете мир-системного подхода (Perspectives of hegemony in the eastern Asia in light of the World-system approach), ' Мировая экономика и международные отношения (World Economy and International Relations), Vol.64, No.1, pp.35-45.(SCI, SCOPUS)(俄語(文))
Hung Mei-Lan;S. Yachin;O. Granovskaya, 2019.10, 'Between Integration and Confrontation: to the Prospects of a New Power Distribution in the Asia-Pacific Region, ' Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Vol.23, No.2, pp.1-38.(SCOPUS)
洪美蘭, 2012.07, '中國大陸與俄羅斯貿易關係之發展、轉變與其意涵(The Development, Transition and Meaning of Trade Relations between Mainland China and Russia), ' 遠景基金會季刊, Vol.13, No.3, pp.1-48.(TSSCI)
洪美蘭, 2012.04, '普欽主義下俄羅斯的經濟發展及其與亞太區域經濟整合(續)(The economic development in Russia under Putinism and its economic integration with Asia-Pacific area-II), ' APEC通訊, Vol.0, No.151, pp.7-9.
洪美蘭, 2012.03, '普欽主義下俄羅斯的經濟發展及其與亞太區域經濟整合(The economic development in Russia under Putinism and its economic integration with Asia-Pacific area-I), ' APEC通訊, Vol.0, No.150, pp.9-10.
洪美蘭, 2008.09, '從轉型政策效應論獨協國家之顏色革命(A study on the color revolution in the CIS from the effects of transition policies), ' 東吳政治學報, Vol.26, No.3, pp.149-196.(TSSCI)
洪美蘭, 2007.07, '從俄羅斯與歐洲國家經貿關係論俄國對外政策之現實性(The realism of Russian foreign policy: an analysis on Russian economic-trade relations with European countries), ' 國際關係學報,台北, Vol.0, No.24, pp.145-156.
洪美蘭, 2007.02, 'Gospodarka Tajwanu wobec wyzwan globalizacji (The Economy of Taiwan and its challenge of globalization), ' Studia i Materiały, Vol.0, No.6, pp.98-103. 參考連結
洪美蘭, 2006.12, '全球化競爭、社會公平與股權分散途徑:從尤克斯事件談起(Globalization competition, social equity and the approach of decentralized the total voting stock: a study from the Yukos event), ' 俄羅斯學報,台北, Vol.0, No.5, pp.51-70.
洪美蘭, 2006.02, 'Natural gas dispute between Ukraine and Russia, ' Taiwan News, pp.A.11.
洪美蘭, 2005.03, 'The Controversy Surrounding the Ukrainian Elections - II, ' 歐洲聯盟研究協會電子報 - 焦點&觀點,. 參考連結
洪美蘭, 2005.02, 'The Controversy Surrounding the Ukrainian Elections - I, ' 歐洲聯盟研究協會電子報 - 焦點&觀點,. 參考連結
洪美蘭, 2022.10, '俄烏武裝衝突下的歐洲能源危機與轉機, ' 2022年第5次臺灣歐盟論壇:數位自主、能源危機與政治變遷(2022 EUTW FORUM V: Digital Sovereignty, Energy Crisis and Political Change in Europe), 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、政治大學歐洲聯盟研究中心及國家圖書館.
洪美蘭, 2021.11, '從質疑到對接:中國與俄羅斯競合之觀察, ' 「國際關係重啟動:後疫情時代的強權競逐與世界秩序」(International Relations on Reset: Great Powers Rivalry and the World Order in the Post Pandemic Era), 中華民國國際關係學會.
洪美蘭, 2019.04, '歐盟整合之未來 – 當前歐盟經濟情況與歐俄互動的面向, ' 脫歐、議會選舉與歐盟整合之未來(Brexit, European Elections and the Future of the European Integration),2019年第2次臺灣歐盟論壇(2019 EUTW FORUM II), 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、政治大學歐洲聯盟莫內教學模組計畫及國家圖書館.
洪美蘭, 2018.12, '川普時代下的歐俄競合, ' EU論壇, 文藻外語大學歐洲研究所主辦.
洪美蘭, 2018.11, '2018 年歐俄關係發展之回顧與前瞻, ' 2018年第6次臺灣歐盟論壇(2018 EUTW FORUM VI):2018年歐盟政經發展之回顧與前瞻(The Current Development of the European Integration: Retrospect and Prospect), 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、政治大學歐洲聯盟莫內教學模組計畫及國家圖書館主辦.
洪美蘭, 2018.06, '英國脫歐的俄羅斯視角, ' 2018年第3次臺灣歐盟論壇(2018 EUTW FORUM III) - 「英國脫歐談判之現況與挑戰(The Brexit's Negotiations: Challenges and Opportunities)」, 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、政治大學歐洲聯盟莫內教學模組計畫、國家圖書館主辦.
洪美蘭, 2017.12, '2017歐洲民主的挑戰:俄羅斯觀點, ' 歐洲民主的挑戰與機會(2017 EU-Taiwan Exchanges Forum on the Challenges and Opportunities of the Democracy in Europe), 中華民國(台灣)歐洲研究協會、台大歐盟中心.
洪美蘭, 2014.12, '烏克蘭與歐盟之經貿發展及其效應, ' 「後極權國家改革:俄羅斯、東歐與中國」國際學術研討會(THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE“REFORMS IN POST-TOTALITARIAN COUNTRIES: RUSSIA, EASTERN EUROPE AND CHINA”), 淡江大學歐洲研究所主辦.
洪美蘭, 2012.05, '兩岸合作拓展對俄貿易之模式初探(The Model of Cross-Strait cooperation in expanding trade relations with Russia), ' 「2012台北-莫斯科論壇:新政展望」(2012 Taipei-Moscow Forum: A New Policy Perspective). 參考連結
洪美蘭, 2010.11, 'Comparison of Efficiencies in Joint-Operation Economic Patterns in Mainland China and Market Economies: A Property Rights Approach, ' the Modernization of Russia and Eurasia: Challenges and Opportunity, Taipei: Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, National Chengchi University. 參考連結
洪美蘭, 2007.07, 'Observations on the transition of the Taiwanese economy, ' “Economics of Transition – Perspectives for Poland and Taiwan”, Poland: Warsaw School of Economics.
洪美蘭, 2007.07, 'The Economy of Taiwan and its challenge of globalization, ' “Taiwan and Central - East Europe. Comparative analysis of economic changes in the context of global management”, Poland: Management School of Warsaw University.
Мей-Лань Хун, 2020.03, 'Сравнительный анализ подходов России, Китая и США к интеграционным процессам в Тихоокеанской Азии (Comparative analysis of the Chinese, American and Russian approaches to the integration process in East Asia), ' Между конфронтацией и интеграцией: перспективы новой расстановки сил в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Between integration and confrontation: to the prospects of a new power distribution in the Asia Pacific region), Дальневосточный федеральный университет, pp.55-70.(俄語(文))
Мей-Лань Хун, 2020.03, 'Стратегия США: от Транстихоокеанского партнерства до «Индо-тихоокеанской стратегии» – противоречия и перспектив (Strategy of the USA: from Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to “Indo-Pacific Strategy” – discrepancies and prospects), ' Между конфронтацией и интеграцией: перспективы новой расстановки сил в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Between integration and confrontation: to the prospects of a new power distribution in the Asia Pacific region), Дальневосточный федеральный универ.(俄語(
Мей-Лань Хун, 2020.03, 'Стратегия Китая: Инициатива «Один пояс, один путь» и Всестороннее региональное экономическое партнерство (Strategy of China: “the Belt and Road Initiative” and “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), ' Между конфронтацией и интеграцией: перспективы новой расстановки сил в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Between integration and confrontation: to the prospects of a new power distribution in the Asia Pacific region), Дальневосточный федеральный универ.(俄語(文))
Мей-Лань Хун, 2020.03, 'Стратегия России: от Евразийского экономического союза к Большому евразийскому партнерству (Strategy of Russia: from “Eurasian Economic Union” to “Greater Eurasian Partnership”), ' Между конфронтацией и интеграцией: перспективы новой расстановки сил в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Between integration and confrontation: to the prospects of a new power distribution in the Asia Pacific region), Дальневосточный федеральный универ.(俄語(文))
Мей-Лань Хун, 2020.03, 'Тайвань, Вьетнам и Индия: выбор стратегического партнера (Taiwan, Vietnam and India: choosing a strategic partner), ' Между конфронтацией и интеграцией: перспективы новой расстановки сил в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Between integration and confrontation: to the prospects of a new power distribution in the Asia Pacific region), Дальневосточный федеральный университет, pp.79-102.(俄語(文))
洪美蘭, 2021.08, '「To Explore the Causes of the Great Depression through Reading Four Relevant Books and to See What Results the Similar Causes Brought to the U.S. during the Covid-19 Pandemic」, '.
洪美蘭, 2021.07, '「中美俄關係的演進與推測」, '.
洪美蘭, 2021.05, '「Exploring the Causes of Great Depression through Reading Four Relevant Books」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.12, '「歐盟經濟整合的內外挑戰」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.12, '「烏克蘭大專院校學制」(更新), '.
洪美蘭, 2020.11, '「歐亞主義下的歐亞經濟聯盟」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.10, '「The prior knowledge of teaching Old Major’s Speech in Animal Farm」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.09, '「白俄羅斯政局動盪何去何從」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.09, '「白羅斯總統選舉爭議帶來的啟示」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.07, '「芬蘭的外交與國防戰略」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.06, '「How Taiwan participates in international cooperation?」, '.
洪美蘭, 2020.01, '「When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures - Russia (書籍導讀)」, '.