魏百谷*, 2018.06, 'Taiwanese-Russian Relations in the Era of Globalization, ' The 9th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian studies, Mongolian Association for Central and Eastern Europe Studies.(*為通訊作者)
魏百谷, 2015.10, 'Kazakhstan and China's Silk Road Economic Belt, ' New Silk Road and Asia-Europe Interactions, Master Program of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies, NCCU.
魏百谷, 2010.12, 'Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Russia: Perspective for Taiwanese-Russian SME Cooperation, ' 《台俄研究工作坊:「台灣、俄羅斯與中國現代化之比較-政治、社會與經濟層面之分析」》, 國立政治大學台灣研究中心. 參考連結
魏百谷, 2010.11, 'Challenge and Opportunity of Relations between Taiwan and Russia, ' 《「俄羅斯與歐亞的現代化:挑戰與機會」國際學術研討會》, 國立政治大學俄羅斯研究所. 參考連結
魏百谷, 2004.11, 'Development of Small Enterprises in Russia: Lesson from Taiwan’s Experience, ' Russia and the Asian-Pacific region , Vladimir V. Maliavin ed., 淡江大學俄羅斯研究所.
魏百谷, 2016.08, 'Taiwanese-Russian Trade Relations: Developments and Opportunities, ' The Prospects of Integration and International Cooperation in East Asia: Russian-Taiwanese Symposium, 23–26 August 2016, Vladivostok, Far Eastern Federal University, pp.36-46.